This one throwaway line in a Star Wars short story suggests what should be impossible: A friendship between a Jedi Knight and ...
Force Ghosts have been in Star Wars since the beginning, but how are they different to Sith spirits? The answer reveals the ...
Disney must introduce a live-action version of Knights of the Old Republic to appreciate the history that led to the Star ...
Tales of the Jedi revealed what became of Ahsoka Tano after The Clone Wars but failed to name the Sith Inquisitor who ...
This Jedi played a vital role in both the original ... has become something of a meme since the release of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, it remains one of the best lines in the prequel trilogy.
Samuel L. Jackson has always claimed that Mace Windu is still alive and kicking, and we're now hearing that the Jedi Master ...