This one throwaway line in a Star Wars short story suggests what should be impossible: A friendship between a Jedi Knight and ...
Force Ghosts have been in Star Wars since the beginning, but how are they different to Sith spirits? The answer reveals the ...
Disney must introduce a live-action version of Knights of the Old Republic to appreciate the history that led to the Star ...
Samuel L. Jackson has always claimed that Mace Windu is still alive and kicking, and we're now hearing that the Jedi Master ...
Skeleton Crew character might be an enigma to fans in the leadup to the show, but one promo image might hint at something ...
Five years on from its incredible debut, The Mandalorian has come to embody a lot of the issues facing Star Wars in its ...
Star Wars Celebration 2023 brought about a new hope for the franchise with loads of new movie announcements and promising teases about the next batch of Star Wars shows. A year and a half later, we’re ...